Monday, November 4, 2013

Tough but Good

I feel like God is really working in me... it's a difficult time, humbling, but I feel like God is very near. I feel challenged to be more united to him, to be still with him and to deny myself, and be less focused on what I want. One thing I've been doing is successfully fasting from the internet 3 days a week for the last 4 months, which has been a huge sacrifice, but has been bearing fruit in my motherhood for sure.

scarf and button-down: Charolette Russe, skirt: HMD dress refashioned, tights and boots: HMD

This last two months or so, I just feel alive for the first time in a while... I've been ready to start new things, go out, create, serve, and such. I've even started to women's group DVD studies with stay at home moms, and I'm heading up a Children's Liturgy of the Word at St Agnes. What, me!? I know, crazy! But the Lord has opened doors and I just feel really led to be obedient.

I have been praying for you both!! Love you girls, can't wait to see you this weekend!!


  1. You are seriously the coolest! That is awesome! You inspire me😊

  2. I love you!:) You always make me want to be a selfless woman too;)
